Martha's Market
A Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO), which serves as the business hub of the BLI and the engine for ongoing economic entrepreneurship of the BLI caretakers.
Martha’s market serves as the “Business” arm of the Bethany Land Institute. Taking inspiration from the dynamic, enterprising, hardworking and outspoken Martha, who was also an acknowledged leader in her community. Martha’s Market will, among others:
  • Serve as the Business school of BLI, and thus run education programs and internships that train Caretakers in principles of business entrepreneurship, fiscal management, marketing, accounting and rural economics.
  • Set up a microfinance credit scheme, through which members will be able to invest and borrow money to develop their farms.
  • Run the BLI retreat center and guest house for interns and other visitors.
  • Set up and run a roadside market as a coop through which the Caretakers will sell their produce.
  • Operate rest stop facilities which will include a restaurant and bathrooms. The rest stop will also serve as the publicity hub of BLI activities. Travelers who stop at the farm’s roadside market can purchase farm fresh produce, stroll through the forest, and read about the mission of BLI and its vision for Uganda on educational boards around the market and along forest paths.
  • Organize tours of the farm to interested groups, including school children, university students, businesses, and international visitors.
  • Organize and host 2-3 festivals annually, these events will be fun, festive times for local communities, featuring music, dancing, market space for local crafts people, and plenty of farm fresh food.