Christopher Hartsfield
CS’ Programs Director
Claire Farnan
CS’ Garden Educator + Project Developer
Mac Levine, MPH
Executive Director
Phylisha Villanueva
Education Coordinator
Youth Committee 2020
Directors & Officers
Chair Michael Woolley, Retired Attorney
Mandy DeRoche, Special Counsel, Office of New York State Attorney General
Mac Levine, MPH, Executive Director
Treasurer Anthony Edgar, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley
Secretary Naeemah Ruffin, DPM, MPH, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Orthopedics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Brooke Stover, Native Sales Director, Verizon Media
Leslie Boden, MSUP, Community Health Planning Consultant
Natalie Chacin, Digital Marketing Manager, O.N.S
Tulip Lim, S&P Global Ratings
Priscilla Ma, Head of Sales and Business Development, PayQwick
Malisa McCreedy, AICP, Director of Mobility, City of Gainesville
Michelle Ramos-Lopez, MPH, Program Manager, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Perry Sheffield, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Preventative Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Arthi Yerramilli, Consultant, US Corporate Strategy, Deloitte LLP