Green Exercise Days

Green Exercise Days are an outdoor field trip opportunity that will educate your students about neighborhood health, urban agriculture, and environmental science. Teachers and program administrators are invited to inquire about bringing your class(es) or camp group(s) for a Green Exercise Day. 

Where & When?

Green Exercise Days are outdoors in Jefferson Gardens (115th Street and 2nd Avenue) and Mad Fun Farm (98th Street & Third Avenue).

Register your class (2nd – 12th grades) during the school day for weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, or annual field trips

Monday – Friday for one hour per session

Experiential Education May Involve:

Garden Design & Installation

Placemaking, Urbanism, Social Science Research, & Civic Engagement

Environmental Health

Outdoor Play

Garden Art

Children Will Build Their:

Understanding of food systems

Self-esteem by making core decisions

Health, learning fitness and healthy eating concepts

Independence as they learn to move around the gardens through an outdoor, educational course

Problem-solving, communication, and team building skills as they transform their environment into a healthier place


  • K – 12th graders are invited to join us for educational field trips or community service events
  • Teachers must participate with their students. Principals must approve field trips BEFORE permission slips are signed.
  • Participants' parent or guardian must bring signed permission slips (back and front) and follow CS’ Code of Conduct.


Our Impact


children per school year
(7-12-year-olds/2nd-5th graders)


of produce grown per year


schools / community centers in NYC have participated


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It was a good experience. I got to plant and to clean the community... I had a lot of fun!

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I was thinking when I was in third grade to go into a garden to take out plants that were already dead and ruined... I had allergies but I still tried and I started liking Concrete Safaris even more.

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Jean Carlos


Being in nature made me feel at home.

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What was fun about the field trip was that we got to write about what we learned.

Picture 60


Parent Coordinator

We use the partnership with Concrete Safaris as a science-incentive in our classes. Our Fourth grade students were able to get lab experience for the citywide exam and our fifth grade students exercised the information from Concrete Safaris as a verbal lab and communication in our classroom and translated the information for their families so they will be able to see the the potential for gardens and organic food growth in their community.