
Do you have a green thumb? Dedicate a row of your own garden to LiftUp and share your bounty with us! For more details, please reach out to our Food Bank Manager

Food Drives

Food Drives are a great way for groups to come together for a common cause. You can find ways to collect and donate produce, food, personal items, seeds/seedlings, seeds/starts … whatever means the most to you!

This is really a way to make an impact in your own way.

If you’d like to hold a food drive for LiftUp, please contact us at

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” ~Elizabeth Andrew

LiftUp reaches 1 in 10 Routt County neighbors every year, and we wouldn’t be able to do that without the gracious help of our MANY volunteers.

As our neighbors’ needs continue to grow, so does our need to help them. This year, we anticipate even more volunteering needs as we continue to reach more neighbors with our services.

In 2018, 175 volunteers gave
of their time

Hours and Location