Founded upon the Judeo-Christian commitment of ministry to those in need, LiftUp provides charitable assistance, without discrimination, to meet basic human needs, while fostering self-sufficiency.
Do you know what LiftUp stands for?
Life’s Inter-Faith Team against Unemployment and Poverty.
We were founded upon the Judeo-Christian ministry to those in need … In 1996, LiftUp was created as a grassroots 501(c)(3) to serve as an arm of the Routt County Christian Ministerial Association to serve those neighbors in need. Although Routt County has changed, and so has our organization, our vision & mission still honor our founders.
Still today, we believe...
Through this consistent lens of service, we have a vision for EVERYONE TO THRIVE WHERE THEY LIVE. We are all so blessed to live in Routt County, and the beauty that surrounds us shouldn’t be limited to only those that are financially stable. Beauty does not discriminate, and we believe that we should all be able to thrive here.
We are also keenly aware that Routt County has economic challenges that can be masked by our beautiful surroundings.
In Routt County, 11% of our neighbors live in poverty. Routt County had diverse social makeup with the inclusion of Steamboat, West Routt, and South Routt communities. Hayden (14%) and Oak Creek (unpublished) have higher rates of poverty than Steamboat or greater Colorado.
Steamboat has 10% poverty impact and they are also burdened with Income Inequality. Income Inequality is a leading indicator of financial stresses on a community. (to learn more about the impact of Income Inequality, click here.)
Steamboat Springs is ranked #2 in the state of Colorado for Income Inequality (#17 out of 916 US cities). While the top 1% of the Steamboat population makes $2,507,070, the remaining 99% average $71,006. That gap creates a higher cost of living that the majority of residents can’t afford.
Every day, we see how much money can impact one’s life, so we are acutely aware of the importance of all of our funds. We take great care in ensuring all income is used efficiently so that we can pour as much as possible right back into the community. Take a look at our financials to get a feel for our financial stewardship; you can find them on Guidestar
2016 Annual Snapshot
2017 Annual Snapshot
2018 Annual Snapshot
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