Posts by neonadmin
Vietnam Vet’s Recovery Story
“I served in the US Army from May 1968 to May 1971. When I was discharged, I was suffering from major depression. I had to be hospitalized several times for crisis management and was under psychiatric treatment for year. After being admitted again to the mental hospital due to a suicide attempt in 2005, I…
Read MoreSchizophrenia
It’s been many years since I experienced the dreadful nervous fatigue that debilitated me in my mid-20s. The depression I remember from my early childhood is now a stranger. At age 28, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and committed to Camarilla State Hospital in California. This followed several hospitalizations, each after a suicide attempt. I…
Read MorePanic Attacks
I sat in the back pew near the door during church services for two years so that I would be prepared to bolt whenever my panic became unbearable. Though I never ran out of church, I did run out of other places, and when I began to get help, the medicine didn’t work. Because of…
Read MoreMental Stress
Having been employed as an ironworker for 25 years, I began to develop both physical and mental stress. My parents’ health declined and eventually, they died. Enormous stress forced me to retire on disability. I started experiencing intense and debilitating physical symptoms. I didn’t know why, but I was more nervous than ever. This nervousness…
Read MoreBipolar Disorder
I was born a “nervous person”. Recovery International taught that fate gives some people an unbalanced nervous system. It’s not their fault. Therefore, I no longer indict myself for my nervous systems or my illness. I now feel secure that I can handle life’s problems using Recovery International’s tools. Despite fears and temper tantrums as…
Read MoreAnxiety
As a child I was always anxious with stomach aches and headaches that would frequently keep me home from school. As I grew older although these symptoms abated, the core of free floating anxiety remained. Most often the thoughts were ones of dread: “What if I go to the party and feel sick?” “What will…
Read MoreAlcoholism
There are so many uplifting and inspiring stories of hope from people who have used Recovery International’s self-help tools and support groups to change their lives. These stories inspire and show that there are answers to and ways of changing your quality of life for the better. How Recovery International Helped Me Stay Sober My…
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