Panic Attacks

I sat in the back pew near the door during church services for two years so that I would be prepared to bolt whenever my panic became unbearable. Though I never ran out of church, I did run out of other places, and when I began to get help, the medicine didn’t work. Because of my panic, I suffered through weddings parties, trips to the grocery store walk around the block with my children and bathing my baby. I had four kids and my husband traveled for a living so I had to function. When we moved to south Florida, my panic attacks went with me.

I found a wonderful psychiatrist who spent much time working with me. I was eventually hospitalized and had electroshock treatments. Healing was a slow, gradual process. At one point, one of our ministers told me about Recovery International and since I wasn’t able to drive, my husband drove me to a meeting. I joined that night in 1968 and have attended meetings ever since.

Recovery International has given me stability for 35 years. I have had setbacks, but when I read one of Dr. Low’s books, I realize my setbacks are average, that everyday life is full of irritations, disappointments, and frustrations and that feelings are not fact. Recovery International provided what I need for my mental health.