About Us

The State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to making strategic investments in the planning, development and growth of state charter schools to help ensure all children in Georgia have access to an excellent education.


Through strategic investments in state charter schools, the Foundation will improve access to excellent education; expand educational opportunities; and increase educational attainment for the citizens of Georgia.


Georgia’s first charter school law was passed in 1993 and amended in 1998 to allow for locally approved charter schools.  In 2008, the law was amended to allow for a state commission to approve charter schools, however in 2011, the Supreme Court of Georgia ruled the commission law unconstitutional.  In 2012, a constitutional amendment was overwhelmingly approved by Georgia voters to allow for a new State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia ("Commission"). In addition to state authorization, the Commission was granted the authority to actively seek supplemental revenue from federal grant funds, institutional grant funds, and philanthropic organizations. As a result, the State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia (SCSF or Foundation) was incorporated in 2015.

SCSF is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) foundation established to support the mission of the Commission by organizing resources to advance education through excellent state charter schools.  While the Commission played a role in the creation of the SCSF, the two organizations are separate and operate under the authority of two different governing boards and separate bylaws.  The Commission and Foundation both share an unwavering commitment to support state charter schools; however, the organizations play very different roles in terms of providing that support.   The Commission is the state charter authorizer (the entity charged with approving, evaluating, and holding state charters accountable for performance), and the Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) foundation that was established to make strategic grant investments to support the planning, implementation, capital costs and growth of excellent state charter schools.


In the 2017-18 academic year, there are currently 113 charter schools in Georgia.  Of those, 29 are authorized by the Commission and are thereby "state charter schools."  Total enrollment for state charter schools exceeds 32,000 students in K-12th grade. Per pupil funding for state charter schools is roughly $8,000 per pupil, compared to traditional public schools which is $9,400 according to the Georgia Department of Education for fiscal year 2017. The gap in per pupil dollars creates an ongoing financial challenge that impacts the schools’ regular operations; the funding gap is larger in the metro-Atlanta area where per pupil spending ranges from $10,000-$15,000. Knowing this, the Commission created the Foundation to leverage resources to support these incredible and important schools.

Our Focus

The State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia makes strategic investments in the planning, implementation and growth of state charter schools to help ensure all children in Georgia have access to an excellent education.


Tom Lewis, Chair
Senior Advisor to the President, Georgia State University

Bonnie Holliday
Executive Director, State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia

Erin Hames
President, ReformEd

Shyam Kumar
Founder and CEO, NorthStar Education Partners


Laura Bollman
Managing Director


205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
1470B Twin Towers East
Atlanta, GA 30334
Office: (404) 656-2837

Board Minutes

Download our most recent board minutes.