We use typography to help convey our brand's voice as a company, and establishes clarity for our customers data, while also emphasizing clear call-to-actions in our product to help them make our customers experience more productive.
We have chosen both Lato and Roboto as our brand/product fonts. These typefaces not only have open-source licenses, which allow us to eliminate the cost of licensing fees, but they also provide us both sophisticated fonts. Please refer to the established guidelines for styling in our CRM product.
Lato is our global font. Unless defined the default will always be 'Lato' 400.
Body and caption font. Will always be defined when used.
Font Sizes
Rather than px we will be using the rem unit. This references the pages root font size and eliminates cascade issues. The minimum font size should never be smaller than 10px.
Conversion chart

This needs review
h1 { font-size: 1.8rem; line-height: 1.45rem; padding-top: 0.379rem; margin-bottom: 0.345rem; } h2 { font-size: 1.7rem; line-height: 1.75rem; padding-top: 0.542rem; margin-bottom: 0.333rem; } h3 { font-size: 1.4rem; line-height: 1.05rem; padding-top: 0.200rem; margin-bottom: 0.850rem; } h4 { font-size: 1.2rem; line-height: 1.24rem; padding-top: 0.294rem; margin-bottom: 0.941rem; } p { font-size: 1.00rem; line-height: 1.50rem; padding-top: 0.429rem; margin-bottom: 1.07rem; }
Font Weights
Font weights are a crucial component of NeonCRM. They help establish clear hierarchy and groups of content. Font weights ensure that content and headings are balanced and logical. Bold font weights are useful for emphasizing titles or context-specific keywords in the description text on whichever page they are``` needed. Regular font weights can be used as headers as well, starting with the h4 style (specified in the living style guide) up to h1.
Lato and Roboto provide a variance of weights that can give you the flexibility to make our content more meaningful. However, we have chosen to stick with the Bold and Regular weights for each font.