List styles help group data and lists items together in a organized list structure.
Lists break down the set of items passed in into pages. Only pages within a "materialized window" are actually rendered. As that window changes due to scroll events, pages that fall outside that window are removed, and their layout space is remembered and pushed into spacer elements. This gives the user the experience of browsing massive amounts of content but only using a small number of actual elements.
Generally, Lists should be used to present simple pieces of information. For more complex sets of data, consider using a Data Table.
Arrange List items in a logical way. For example, if the List is about resource use, the default order might be highest resource use to lowest. Grouping items in categories into smaller, more specific lists might be more meaningful in some contexts. Alternatively, organize in alphabetical or numeric order.
Use List items that are grammatically parallel. For example, do not mix passive voice with active voice or declarative sentences (statements) with imperative sentences (direct command).
List Type
Notification center
List of activities (and soon more) that is accessed from the toolbar. It provides a quick list of activities and other various notifications and will (eventually) have actions - delete, keep as new, etc.