


Loading spinners are used when retrieving data or performing slow computations, and help to notify users that loading is underway.

The waiting experience is a crucial design opportunity. Although it may not be obvious what is occurring on the back-end, we can communicate clearly to reassure the user that progress is happening.

It is best practice to use a loading spinner whenever the wait time is anticipated to be longer than three seconds.

Loading spinners may be scaled down if the loading experience is contextual to a certain item on the page.

Loading spinners should appear centered over a page or content that it is loading. Please note that the top-level navigation is not included in the page loading overlay.


Button Type



Best Practices

  • Use a Spinner when a task is not immediate.


  • Use one Spinner at a time.


  • Descriptive verbs are appropriate under a Spinner to help the user understand what's happening. Ie: Saving, processing, updating.


  • Use a Spinner when confirming a change has been made or a task is being processed.
  • Don’t use a Spinner when performing immediate tasks.


  • Don't show multiple Spinners at the same time.


  • Don't include more than a few words when paired with a Spinner.