Step Up for Business Advocacy: Update
originally published March 2017— Take Action to Support Cherry Point The saga continues! The Cherry Point Amendment to the Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan is being introduced to the full Council on Tuesday, March 21st with the anticipated vote scheduled for Tuesday, April 4th. The language moving forward continues to concern the Cherry Point businesses: the…
Read MoreWe can balance economic prosperity and environmental stewardship
originally published March 2017— By Tony Larson, President Whatcom Business Alliance Most reasonable people understand there are trade-offs on most important decisions. Few decisions provide all benefit with no costs. Decisions that impact our community are typically no different. Particularly when the goal is to balance our economic prosperity and environmental stewardship. Many believe it…
Read MoreWhatcom County Council has a choice: Is Cherry Point open for business, or not?
originally published Jan. 2017— Whatcom County Council has a choice: Is Cherry Point open for business, or not? John Huntley, president of Mills Electric in Bellingham, found himself recently in a place he never thought he’d be – in a room full of people on a snowy night, standing in front of the Whatcom County…
Read MoreLocal businesses stepping up together to make a difference
originally published Jan 2019– The Whatcom Business Alliance (WBA) recently launched its Step Up for Business Advocacy Campaign – or “Step Up,” as it has become known. “Step Up is the answer to numerous requests and long Board [of Directors] conversations about how to substantively improve the business climate in Whatcom County,” WBA President Tony…
Read More2014 Employment at Cherry Point Report
originally published Jan. 9th, 2017 Whatcom County Council has a choice: Is Cherry Point open for business, or not? John Huntley, president of Mills Electric in Bellingham, found himself recently in a place he never thought he’d be – in a room full of people on a snowy night, standing in front of the Whatcom…
Read MoreAlcoa Intalco Works Ferndale avoids planned layoffs of nearly 500 employees
Published May 3, 2016 On May 2, Alcoa announced its agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration to amend its current power contract to help improve the competitiveness of the Intalco Works Ferndale smelter. The new amendment to the power contract, effective July 1, 2016 through Feb. 14, 2018, will provide for additional market access during this…
Read MoreWhen Local Businesses Sneeze, the Community Catches a Cold
March 25, 2016 – Letter from WBA President Tony Larson If you are not part of the Whatcom Business Alliance leadership network, I invite and encourage you to get on board. Next month will mark our 4th anniversary. The WBA was founded as a nonprofit, nonpartisan economic development organization with the primary mission of facilitating…
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