Over the Years

During the Club’s early years, volunteers from the Tryon area donated time, money, and materials to build the show grounds at Harmon Field, a 36 acre park with three show rings and 140 permanent stalls.
One of TRHC’s lasting legacies has been giving back to the community, most often through our sponsorship of the Annual Charity Horse Show which began all the way back in 1928. The show has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past nine decades. Records show in the 1930’s, proceeds went to the Polk County Helping Hand and the Polk County Tubercular Association. In 1950, a substantial contribution was made to support the US Equestrian Team which trained in Tryon then. Proceeds from the 57th show went to the Polk County Animal Protection Society. Proceeds from the show were used to fund college scholarships starting in 2007. Then, from 2010-2013, a Charity Jumper Challenge was added from which $5,000 of the prize money was donated to eight local non-profit organizations, spanning animal rescue, childrens’ causes, family care, medical support, equestrians, education, the arts, and environmental causes.