45th “Morris the Horse” Trials
Oct 17, 2020—Oct 18, 2020
FENCE 3381 Hunting Country Rd Tryon, NC 28782

Fall Horse Trials at FENCE
Each October, Tryon Riding & Hunt Club sponsors its Fall “Morris the Horse” Trials for eventers at the Foothills Equestrian and Nature Center (FENCE) in Tryon. This event typically attracts riders from as many as 13 states in western North Carolina and the Southeast. In recent years, a College Cup Challenge has been held for college teams with 6-8 teams usually competing.
Divisions range from Starter to Preliminary and are open to professional and amateur riders. The XC Course is designed by local Greg Schlappi. The SJ course is designed by a rotating expert from among local designers and respected designers from Area III states.
For more information about entering the Fall Horse Trials or if you are interested in volunteering, contact the TR&HC office at (828) 863-0480 or office@trhc1925.org or go directly to the USEA “Morris the Horse” Trials Event Omnibus at https://useventing.com/events-competitions/calendar/event?event=17499
Horse Trials Gallery
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